Simply put, our philosophy is "Children First"! Our primary goal is to provide students with a happy, healthy, and rewarding camp experience in a safe environment. Five Mile Camp is a place where we can make a positive difference in young people's lives. A child's camp experience plays a very important role in his or her maturation. Five Mile Camp students will gain self-esteem and self-confidence, learn from new experiences, make new friends and create memories that will last a lifetime!

Five Mile Camp is a non-profit organization that is located on 2200 acres in the Northeast corner of Oklahoma. We serve schools not only from Oklahoma, but from Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri.
Our facilities include four bunkhouses, an olympic size swimming pool, a full kitchen with a dining area, woodshop, low and high ropes course, indoor educational facility, horse arena, one room school house science center, and a theatre room used also as a tornado shelter.
We also have Five Mile creek that runs right through the heart of camp with its cold and clear water.
For more information about our programs call 417.629.2363 or email us at garcher@fivemilecamp.org